
In October of 2020, Big Dreams took Makar Vier under its wing and we are seeing incredible progress and nearly miraculous improvement in Makar’s health. 

Baby Makar from a low income family in Odessa, Ukraine, was born prematurely at 2.4 lbs, spent 4 months in the ER on a ventilator, had to be frequently resuscitated and was diagnosed with congenital adrenal hyperplasia and possible epilepsy. Currently, at almost 18 months, he is steadily gaining weight (from 13lbs at 1 year old to almost 17.5lbs) , regularly goes to Physical Therapy and is starting to gain function in his limbs and the rest of his body. Big Dreams was able to provide Makar’s family with 66 bottles of special baby nutrition recommended by his pediatrician in order to gain weight he so desperately needed in October. Since then, Big Dreams covered his medical needs, hospitalizations, nutrition and is overseeing that he is receiving all of the necessary treatments and medical attention to put behind his uneasy start into this world. And he is managing just spectacularly!